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Support to Start project / Youth Center

Youth Center (pol. Centrum Młodych) is a facility located on the right bank of Vistula River, in the Prague North district, one of the 3 urban problem zones in the City of Warsaw. The premises owned and maintained by the city host the project Support to Start (pol. Wsparcie w Starcie), a partnership of 8 non-governmental organizations whose activities are dedicated to people aged 16-26 from Prague North, Prague South and Targówek districts. This two-years pilotage which will end on December 2018 was launched thanks to city funds to check new models of support and successful work with young adults.

Main goal: self-reliance

The main aim of the project is to help its participants develop self-reliant mentality and habits which will enable them to become successful and fulfilled adults. To do so some of them have to concentrate on establishing psychological and social maturity, others develop abilities to manage their finances or obtain and maintain employment on an open labor market. Therefore the program of Support to Start had to be tailor made to answer a wide range of challenges and needs.

Individual mentor

The main aim of the project is to help its participants develop self-reliant mentality and habits which will enable them to become successful and fulfilled adults. To do so some of them have to concentrate on establishing psychological and social maturity, others develop abilities to manage their finances or obtain and maintain employment on an open labor market. Therefore the program of Support to Start had to be tailor made to answer a wide range of challenges and needs.

Wide aid offer

The budget of the project is flexible so that the participant can choose from a wide range of aid like psychological & career advisor counselling, self-development workshops, professional courses, support in education, DIY, healthy lifestyle & wellness classes, etc. The truly pioneer element of the project is entrepreneurship counselling. Participants learn how to start their own business through practice. They get the chance to participate in building a youth start up so called Startlab. This includes business classes, customer service & marketing basics workshops and seasonal work like event organization, fast food catering stand operation (the project has its own food truck) or regional foods preparation & sales.